SullyGarman will help you adapt to changing environments in supply chain and logistics, and help define a strategy for the movement of goods.
Whether you’re operating on multiple sales platforms for both retail and consumer sales or focused on your warehouse relationships, we will help you create an operation that is scalable while mitigating cross-channel conflicts.
Kathleen helps us navigate the complexity of our supply chain and imports as well as our relationships with vendors, clients and our partner utilities. We are able to maximize savings for our company and for our clients as a result of efficiencies and tools that her team has implemented. Ask her about a daily ‘Shopify Sweep’, it’s been a game changer for us.
— Kevin Sullivan, CEO, Forever Green Indoors
Operational Efficiencies
We embrace finding solutions and implementing innovative systems for bottom-line growth and profitability.
Kathleen is an empowering leader — some of the work I am most proud of, I did under Kathleen’s direction.
— Daphne Armstrong, Remaker Labs
Let’s Make Things Happen
Reach out and let’s have a conversation. As Pablo Picasso famously said, “Action is the foundational key to all success.”
“Kathleen came in and expertly implemented innovative changes to transform the business operations. She handled everything from choosing a fulfillment house, to managing data, and streamlining order processing.”
FinalStraw VP of Sales